Branden Nguyen

Guitar Performance and Instruction

S2E14 // "Strawberry Daiquiri 2.0" [Original Take]

Out of all the daiquiri variations, the most well known has to be the Strawberry Daiquiri. Even before I could drink, I remember hearing the name of this drink. Its origins are a bit unclear, with some crediting a man by the name of Christian Zacharias as the creator of a rudimentary version of this drink all the way back in the late 1800s. He created a large format version, which just means a party punch that he would serve to friends and neighbors. That is the story that some go with, though Iā€™m not sure I believe it to be a true origin story. 

The origin of my version goes back to a week where I had too many strawberries. To save them, I thought it would be a great idea to turn it into a syrup that I could use in drinks and cooking. I had the crazy idea to reconstruct the famous strawberry daiquiri, but with the goal of making the drink more interesting and complex than just a fruity refresher. With the aid of the Flavor Bible, I came up with a combination of flavors that work harmoniously (to my surprise).

Rhum agricole is a grassier, more vegetal version of rum that is made from sugarcane. It pairs well with the strawberry syrup, bringing out that fresh fruit flavor. That combination is reinforced with the green strawberry bitters. The Licor 43 provides a subtle underlying vanilla flavor that gives the drink body and depth. The addition of just a little Green Chartreuse brings an indescribable herbal complexity that mingles with the strawberry to make the drink addictive. It makes one want to keep coming back for another sip to decode what is going on in this drink.


